Prof. Dr. Subarna Shakya

Professor of Computer Engineering

Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Pulchowk Campus, Institute of Engineering, Pulchowk, Tribhuvan University

Coordinator (IOE), Leader Project (Links in Europe and Asia for Engineering, Education, Enterprise and Research exchanges), ERASMUS MUNDUS. website:

Member of National Information Technology Advisory Committee, Government of Nepal

Member , Board of Studies (BOS), South Asian University, New Delhi, India. website:

Member, Academic Council, Purbanchel University, Nepal
Chairman, Computer Engineering Subject committee, Ministry of Education, National Curriculum Development Center, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur.



Received MSc and PhD degrees in Computer Engineering from the Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine, 1996 and 2000 Respectively.


1. Asst. Dean (Academic Administration), at Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University,Nepal

2. Executive Director (Gazetted Special Class), National Information Technology Center, Government of Nepal.

3. Project Director, Government Integrated Data Center (GIDC) Project, KOICA and Government of Nepal

4. Project Director, ICT development Project, ADB and Office of the Prime Minister and Council of Ministers (OPMCM), Government of Nepal

5. Member Secretary, ICT development project steering committee, Office of the Prime Minister and Council of Ministers (OPMCM), (ADB project), Government of Nepal

6. Member Secretary, Information Technology Development Committee, Government of Nepal

7. Lecturer from 1996-23/10/2005, at Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Institute of Engineering, Pulchowk Campus, Tribhuvan University, Nepal.

8. Associate Professor from 24/10/2005-15/04/2012, at Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Institute of Engineering, Pulchowk Campus, Tribhuvan University, Nepal.

9. Chairman, Electronics and Computer Engineering subject committee, IOE, TU

10. Head of Department, Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Pulchowk Campus, Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University.

11. Director, Centre for Information Technology, IOE, Tribhuvan University.

12. Coordinator, EURICA (European Research and educational collaboration with Asia) is financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus Mundus

13. Coordinator, Msc in Information and Communication Engineering preparation committee.

14. Coordinator, MSc in Computer Systems and knowledge engineering preparation committee.

15. Involved in E-Government and ICT development project, Government of Nepal as Project director.

16. Involved as consultant in Cloud computing and Big data project of Nepal.


E-Government system, Computer Systems & Simulation, Distributed & Cloud Computing, Software Engineering & Information System, Computer Architecture, Information Security for E-Government, Multimedia System



2. Laxmi Prasad Khatiwada: Thesis Topic- Linguistic Aspects in Machine Translation: An Example Based Study of English- Nepali Machine Translation, 2014, Tribhuvan University, Nepal

3. Purusottam Kharel: Thesis Topic- Strategic Framework for the Implementation of e-Government: Nepal Case, Kathmandu University, 2015, Nepal.

4. Pranita Upadhaya: Thesis Topic- e-Government Security Architecture for Nepal, Kathmandu University, 27 Dec 2016, Nepal.

5. Mahesh Maharjan: Thesis Topic- ICT and Information Management in Local Governance: System Architecture for Social Security Allowance Cash Transfer Through Branchless Banking in Nepal, Singhania University, 27 August 2017. Rajasthan, India.

6. Abjitjit Gupta: Thesis Topic- Information System and Security Audit : A study to design effective Framework for e-Government, Singhania University, 27 August 2017. Rajasthan, India.


1. Arjun Singh Saud
2. Mahesh Yadav
3. Pratima Pradhan
4. Rajendra Man Banepali
5. Shree Marasini
6. Shaligram Parajuli
7. Sarbin Sayami
8. Udaya Dhugana


1. Sadhu Ram Basnet
2. Rajendra Paudyal
3. Ram Sharan Chaulagain
4. Santosh Pandey


1. Pratima Pradhan; Subarna Shakya Big Data Application for Nepalese Government: A Proposed Solution for Labor Migrant, 2018,Pages: 296 – 302,,IEEE Xplore

2. Sadhu Ram Basnet; Ram Sharan Chaulagain; Santosh Pandey; Subarna Shakya : Distributed High Performance Computing in OpenStack Cloud over SDN Infrastructure, 2017, Pages: 144 – 148 , IEEE Xplore

3. Ram Sharan Chaulagain; Santosh Pandey; Sadhu Ram Basnet; Subarna Shakya: Cloud Based Web Scraping for Big Data Applications, 2017, pages: 138 – 143, IEEE Xplore

4. Subarna Shakya ; Ram Sharan Chaulagain ; Santosh Pandey ; Prakash Gyawali : Distributed high performance computing using JAVA, Dec 2017, DOI: 10.1109/CCAA.2017.8229920, IEEE Xplore.

5. Abinash Basnet; Subarna Shakya; Mandira Thapa : Power and capacity optimization for wireless sensor network (WSN), Year: 2017 , Pages: 434 – 439 , IEEE Xplore

6. Nabin Neupane; Subarna Shakya : Comparative analysis of backpropagation algorithm variants for network intrusion detection , 2017, Pages: 726 – 729 , IEEE Xplore

7. Sadhu Ram Basnet; Subarna Shakya: BSS: Blockchain security over software defined network , 2017 ,Pages: 720 – 725 , IEEE Xplore

8. Rajendra Paudyal; Subarna Shakya; An approach towards backbone network congestion minimization in software defined network ,2017 , 412 – 416 , IEEE Xplore

9. Subama Shakya; Sandeep Sigdel: An approach to develop a hybrid algorithm based on support vector machine and Naive Bayes for anomaly detection , 2017 ,Pages: 323 – 327, IEEE Xplore

10. Mahesh Maharjan , Subarna Shakya ICT, Local Governance and Branchless Banking: Triangular Efforts to Make Social Cash Transfer Easy and Transparent, ICEGOV2017 , accepted in ACM

11. Subarna Shakya; Suman Sharma; Abinash Basnet: Human behavior prediction using facial expression analysis, 2017, Page(s): 399 – 404, DOI: 1109/CCAA.2016.7813754, IEEE Xplore Digital Library

12. Subarna Shakya; Amar Bahadur Gurung; Abinash Basnet: Performance comparison of blocking artifact reduction of compressed image using bilateral & block wiener filter, 2017, Page(s): 1174 – 1177, DOI: 1109/CCAA.2016.7813895,IEEE Xplore Digital Library

13. Udaya Raj Dhungana, Subarna Shakya: PolyWordNet: A Lexical Database,

14. Mahesh Maharjan, Subarna Shakya: Devastating Earthquake in Nepal: Victims Relief Cash Transfer Through Branchless Banking , Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on IT Applications and Management, Busan, South Korea, June 2016, PP.93-97.

15. Babu Ram Dawadi, Subarna Shakya: ICT implementation and Infrastructure deployment approach for Rural Nepal, Springer Publication on Advances in intelligent system and computing V 463, pp. 319-331, Switzerland, 2016

16. Subarna Shakya, Abinash Basnet: Optical Character recognition for Nepali, English character and simple sketch Using Neural Network, Springer Publication on Advances in intelligent system and computing V463, pp. 45-53, Switzerland, 2016

17. Pratima Pradhan, Subarna Shakya: Sharing of telecommunication data in Nepal, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on IT Applications and Management, Paris, France, January 2016,PP.128-135.

18. Shakya, Subarna ; Prajapati, Ujjwal, Task scheduling in Grid computing using Genetic Algorithm, 2015, Page(s):1245 – 1248, IEEE Xplore Digital Library
19. Banepali, Rajendra Man ; Shakya, Subarna , Digital technology actualizing dialogue of international relations in new form , 2015, Page(s):844 – 848,IEEE Xplore Digital Library

20. Gupta, Abhijit ; Shakya, Subarna. Information system audit an overview study in e-Government of Nepal. 2015, Page(s):827 – 831,IEEE Xplore Digital Library.

21. Marasini, Shreedhar ; Shakya, Subarna , E-readiness to implement e-government an overview study in HR domain in Nepal , 2015, Page(s):554 – 557, IEEE Xplore Digital Library.

22. Maharjan, Mahesh ; Shakya, Subarna, System architecture for social security cash transfer through branchless banking in Nepal, : 2015, Page(s):60 – 64,IEEE Xplore Digital Library.

23. Abhijit Gupta, Subarna Shakya. ” Information System Audit;A study for security and challenges in Nepal”, ISSN 1947-5500,IJCSIS,Vol. 13, No. 11, November 2015, htps:// Information_System_Audit_A_study_for_security_and_challenges_in_Nepal

24. Abhijit Gupta, Subarna Shakya, ” Information system audit: Cloud Computing security and challenges, International Journal of Computer science and Mobile computing, ISSN 2320-088X, IJCSMC, Vol 4, Issue 11, Nov 2015, Pg48-56,

25. Mahesh Maharjan,Subarna Shakya, “Vital Events registration as an effective tool to monitor social security cash transfer in Nepalese context”, International conference on Data mining, electronics and Information Technology(DMEIT’15), Emirates Research publishing, ISBN-978-93-844422-33-2, page 132-138, August, 2015

26. Gajendra Sharma, Subarna Shakya,” Implecation of web 2.0 in e-Government, International conference on Data mining, electronics and Information Technology(DMEIT’15), Emirates Research publishing, ISBN-978-93-844422-33-2, page 124-131, August, 2015

27. Rajendra Man Banepali,Subarna Shakya, Gajendra Sharma, ” A first-hand breath for freedom expression in digital diplomacy, International Seminar on Media and Human rights: Programs and prospects Organized by Assam University, Silchar, India.

28. Abhijit Gupta, Subarna Shakya, Shreedhar Marasini” e-readiness assessment for ministries of Nepal for implementing of e-Government” , International conference on Data mining, electronics and Information Technology(DMEIT’15), Emirates Research publishing, ISBN-978-93-844422-33-2, page 132-138, August, 2015

29. Subarna Shakya, Suresh Kumar Chhetri , ” Automatic Speaker Recognition Using Fuzzy Vector Quantization”, The Eleventh International Conference on eLearning for Knowledge-Based Society

30. Udaya Raj Dhungana, Subarna Shakya,Hypernymy in WordNet, Its Role in WSD, and Its Limitations, October 2015,

31. Udaya Raj Dhungana, Subarna Shakya, Kabita Baral and Bharat Sharma “Word Sense Disambiguation using WSD specific WordNet of polysemy words , March , 2015,

32. Udaya Raj Dhungana, Subarna Shakya, “Word Sense Disambiguation in Nepali Language”, Page46-60,ISBN: 978-1-4799-3723-3 ©2014 IEEE, DICTAP 2014 Proceedings.

33. Gajendra Sharma, Subarna Shakya, Purusottam Kharel Technology Acceptance perspectives on User satisfaction and Trust of E-Government adoption, Journal of applied sciences, 14(9): Page 860-872, 2014, ISSN1812-5654

34. Purusottam Kharel , Subarna Shakya, “e-Government Implementing Challenges Verification using Fuzzy Logic” February 21 – 22, 2014, page923-929, IEEE International Advance Computing Conference (IACC), 978-1-4799-2572-8/14/$31.00_c 2014 IEEE

35. Pranita Upadhaya , Subarna Shakya, ” Modeling and analysis of high availability security architecture for whole of Governement Systems”, American Journal of Computer Science and Engineering Survey, Volume 1 Issue 1 2013

36. Pranita Upadhyaya, Subarna Shakya, “e-government security readiness assessment for developing countries: Case study: Nepal Govt. organizations”, 23-25 Nov. 2012,Page 1-5, ISSN : 2157-0647, IEEE, Third Asian Himalayas International Conference on Internet (AH-ICI), 2012.42.

37. Purusottam Kharel, Subarna Shakya , “Comparative Study of Electronic Government Infrastructure of Nepal with SAARC Nations” , ISBN: 978-1-4673-4969-7 ©2013 IEEE, Page 274-279, The international conference on e-Technologies and business on the web (EBW 2013), May 7-9, 2013.

38. Pranita Upadhyaya, Subarna Shakya, Manish Pokharel Information Security Framework for EGovernment Implementation in Nepal, Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Sciences,

39. Purusottam Kharel, Subarna Shakya,e-Government Implementation in Nepal : A Challenges, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering,2012,

40. Purusottam Kharel , Subarna Shakya, ,Failure Factors of e-Government pp. 2118-2122, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 2011, Vol 6

41. Subarna Shakya, e-Government Implementation Challenges in Nepal, page 143-148, The Nepalese Journal of public Administration, 2010

42. Subarna Shakya, Establishment of Government Integrated Data Center(GIDC) in Nepal, Page 47-49, Strategic facilities, Pacific & Strategic Holding Pvt. Ltd, Singapore


1. Attended second Ukrainian Conference on Automatic Control System “ Abtomatika-95 ” and presented the paper in the topic “ Analyze region of working system of D.C. Regulation system for Automatic Control System”, 1995, Ukraine.

2. Attended central European third Conference on “Numerical Methods and Computer systems in Automatic Control and Electrical Engineering” and presented the paper in the topic ” Model of sensitivities to initial conditions in electromagnetic circuits with semiconductor diode”, 1999, Poland.

3. Attended 7th National Convention of Engineers on Engineering Profession in Nation Building; Contribution & Vision and presented the paper in the topic “Computer Simulation of Parallel thyristor chopper modes”, 2001, Nepal

4. Attended International Conference on Information Technology, Communications and Development and presented the paper in the topic “Information Technology Education in Nepal: An Inner perspective, 2001, Nepal.

5. Attended CAN IT conference 2002 and presented the paper in the topic “Software exports from Nepal: Problems and Prospects”, Nepal

6. Attended international conference on information Technology, Communications and Development 2002 and presented the paper in the topic “The Role of Information Technology in the Overall Development of Nepal”, Nepal

7. Attended international conference on information Technology 2003, Organized by Computer Association of Nepal and presented the paper in the topic “The role of computer simulation in the software development”, Nepal.

8. Attended national conference on Disaster Management in Nepal 2004, Organized by Nepal Engineers’ Association and presented the paper in the topic “ The role of Information Technology in Disaster Management ”, Nepal

9. Attended Asian Internet Interconnection Initiatives meeting in Philippines, 5-8 October 2004.

10. Attended Asian productivity organization workshop on “Internet Technology for small and Medium Enterprises (SMES) in Thailand, 26-30 December 2004.

11. Attended eAsia 2007, ICT event in India, 23-25, August, 2006

12. Attended eAsia 2007, ICT event in Malaysia, 6-8 February, 2007

13. Attained workshop from 12-15 , February, 2007

14. Key note speaker eIndia 2007, ICT event in India, from 31 July-3 Aug , 2007

15. International Seminar on e-Government in Practice, Organized by Ministry of Foreign affairs, State of ISRAEL, from May 27th to June 8th, 2007.

16. Planning, Designing, Implementing and managing e-Government, 8-12 October 2007, APCICT, Republic of Korea, Organized by UNU-IIST.

17. Capacity Building Workshop on Information Society Statistics: Infrastructure & Household Indicators , 6-8 November 2007, Bankok, Thailand, Organized by United Nations ESCAP

18. ICEGOV 2007 Macau from 10-13 December 2007 organized by United Nation University

19. ICEGOV 2008 Cairo, Egypt from 1-4 December, 2008 by United Nation University

20. Keynote Address on “e-Government Implementation in Nepal”, First Asian Himalayas International Conference on Internet, IEEE Communication Society, November 3-5, 2009.

21. Conference Co-Chair, Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries, 11th International Conference, Kathmandu, Nepal, 22-25 May 2011,organized by University of Agder, Norway.

22. Invited Speaker on “e-Government Implementation in Nepal, 8 Oct 2012 at The San Diego University, San Diego, USA.

23. Key Note speech in The 16 International Multi Topic Conference (INMIC) 2013, 18 Dec 2013, Lahore, Pakistan organized by University of Engineering and Technology and IEEE.

24. Invited Speaker on “e-Government initiative and adopting Cloud computing as an e‐Government Platform in Nepal” 8 Oct 2014 at The University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA.

25. Key Note speech on “ICT for Globalization” at International Seminar on Media and Human rights: Programs and prospects, 11 March 2014, organized by Assam University, Silchar, India.

26. Session chair in International conference on Green Computing & Internet of things, 8-10 Oct, 2015, organized by Galgotias college of Engineering and technology, Grater Noida, India.

27. Key Note speech on “Cloud Service Models in e-Government”, 30 April 2016, “IEEE International conference on computing, communication and automation” Organized by Galgotias University, Grater Noida, India .

28. Invited Speaker on “e-Government initiative and adopting Cloud computing as an e‐Government Platform in Nepal” 3 Oct 2016 at The University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA

29. Session Chair in ” data mining algorithms and their applications” in the international conference on Computing and Information Technology, 7-8 July, 2016, Springer,

30. Keynote Address on “Adopting Cloud Computing in e-Government Services”, in the IEEE 1st International conference on Computer, Communication and Management Technologies(ICCCMT) , Sep 22 ,2016.

31. Invited Speaker on ” Cloud computing for e-Government Implementation” 3 Oct 2016 at Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, San Francisco , USA.

32. Keynote Address on “Cloud Computing security ” , in International Conference on signal, power, communication, security and Computing applications ( ICSPCSCA), 18 Oct 2016.

33. Key note speech on ” ICT for sustainable development of Rural areas, in 3th International seminar on ” Utilization of non -conventional Energy sources for sustainable development of Rural Areas” , ISNCESR’ 17, 24 March 2017, Organized by Parthivi College of Engineering & Management, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India .

34. Key Note speech on “Cloud Computing for Sustainable Development “, 6 May 2017, “IEEE International conference on computing, communication and automation” Organized by Galgotias University, Grater Noida, India .

35. Key Note speech on “Cloud Computing security and challanges “, 11 January 2018, “IEEE 8th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering” Organized by Amity University, Noida, India. http://